The process

parakeetsTomorrow is December 1. Sorry for being cliche, but “Where did the year go?” They say this phenomena seems to happen more as you get older. Days just whiz by, then swoosh you’re another year older.

My mission for December is to finalize a plan of attack for 2017. There are a couple of major shows I want to enter and a number of ideas that I plan to take action on. And of course, I need to keep creating new art pieces as I prepare for my solo show in 2018. Seems a long way away, but I’ll need about 30 pieces for that gallery space. I definitely have lots to think about.

This past Monday, we had the Open House at Campbell House Galleries. Sharon and I greeted our visitors while working on our art. I started working on another Carolina Parakeet piece. This one is small (12″ x 12″) and I’m using it to demonstrate some of my techniques.

To me fabric alone always looks too flat. Someone on Monday referred to it as looking like cartoon cutouts. I agree. It needs something else to give it rich dimension. If you look closely at the photo, you can see how the bird and branch in the lower right has more depth, than the bird and branch in the upper left. I’ve created the dimension by coloring the fabric with Prismacolor pencils.

Of course, if you’ve been following my work you know there’s more to my work than that. I always add thread to increase the level of interest and depth. I’ll show you more of the progress as I go along, because I thought you might be interested in seeing the process.


Join me for:

Paper, Canvas, Cloth
November 4 – December 17, 2016

Holiday Art & Jewelry Sale – Friday, December 2 — (9a-5p) & Saturday, December 3 — (10a-4p)
Campbell House Galleries, Southern Pines, NC
featuring the work of
Sharon Ferguson, Marilyn Vendemia, & Nanette S. Zeller

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