What truly is important

This past week, I took some time away to travel with some friends. During that time, I allowed myself to be totally cut off from responsibility. Phone was off. No access to social media. No checking in on the news. I realize now how much of a luxury it is to disconnect. For most of us, there was a time in our lives when we could walk away from our home and no one could reach us. If we had an answering machine attached to our landlines (I remember a time when I didn’t), we would find out if anyone was trying to reach us when we returned home. Now, the phone is with us almost always. If we hear it ring or beep, we check it, no matter what we’re doing or time of day it is.

For a few days, I felt the luxury of not having my phone. When I felt bored, I couldn’t flip through the socials. I was forced to be present and I didn’t mind it. I realize now, that before I left, I was feeling depressed and worried. By disconnecting, I returned with energy and hopefulness. Or maybe it wasn’t just the phone, maybe it was more about being around people who bring me joy. All I know is I returned with energy and enthusiasm.

And while away, I made time for my commitment of showing up for my art every day! I am on Day 21 of my stitch challenge. I’m making time to free-form stitch for fifteen minutes a day. My goal is to continue this through 100 days worth of “pages.” Every 5 days, I start a new page. The photo above shows my progress of the first 20 days, resulting in 4 completed pages. I’ve learned through this process that showing up is important, letting go of expectations is freeing and starting over is refreshing. And, stepping away helped me realize what truly is important.



Learn more about the challenge:
* 100 day stitching challenge.
* follow my progress on Instagram


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