What does it mean to be in a “zone?” The Cambridge dictionary describes it as being “happy or excited because you are doing something skillfully and easily.” Have you ever felt this way?
Sorry if I’m getting a little nerdy here, but I find the concept fascinating. I have found myself in these trance-like states of being and they’re powerful. I usually recognize them after the fact. I’ll get busy working on something and suddenly realize more time has passed then I thought.
Being “in the zone” is considered a “flow state,” a psychological state of mind where actions and consciousness melt together. Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is noted for recognizing and naming flow in modern psychology. Flow is often marked by the mental loss of time while you’re doing the activity.
I know I lose track of time working on the computer, checking email, or searching for something. But, I don’t recognize that as Flow…I may be focused, but I’m not 100% enjoying the process. This past week I realized Flow is deeper.
I set myself on task of slicing and dicing up old quilt projects (I wrote about it last week). It took thought to methodically cut up the projects and resemble them. I had to focus on design because I didn’t want like colors or patterns to sit next to each other. I was really enjoying the process of slicing, dicing, stitching and … CREATING. It felt good. I felt productive and I felt at peace. It was magical being in the Zone.
~ Nanette S.