Because you can

My heart has felt heavy. There’s not much you can do when things are out of your control. So you watch, hold your breath and keep your emotions close to your heart. The weight of the world. History. That’s why it feels heavy.

My grandmother arrived at Ellis Island in November 1920, fleeing her homeland in the midst of the Polish-Soviet War. The boundaries between Poland, Russian and Ukraine where in flux. You see, the Baltic Region is deeply rooted in my ancestry.

I think of Busia and the people of this region. They are my blood.
Is this why it feels so heavy? I don’t know.

I’m an artist here in the US, because of my grandmother. Her struggles are my history and afford me my life.

Its OK to feel all of this in our hearts and minds. To care and have empathy is a beautiful thing. But, be aware of how you’re feeling. Stand tall. When you worry, find outlets that comfort you. Seek opportunities to help those who are hurting. Make art, simply because you can.


  1. Ann Hudson says:

    Wise words. For anyone who has a shred of empathy in their souls the atrocities taking place in Ukraine makes one so very sad. I cannot help but feel what the people there are feeling whilst I sit here in the comfort of my warm home and have food in my fridge, to have nothing to fear in relation to what is going on there. It makes it hard to focus on creating anything knowing what they are facing. All I can do is send compassion from my heart into the universe, donate to the various charitable organizations who are helping, and hope for a better future for the human race. So much turbulence in so many places. Hugs, Ann in Wilmington

    • Nanette Zeller says:

      Agree so much with your words. Thanks for doing all that you are. Be gentle with yourself, take time for you. Make art to help process what you’re feeling. Even scribbling is cathartic. Stay well!!

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