Feel grateful

Today is the last day of November. It has been whirlwind ride for me. It started with my exhibit opening, immediately followed by  a trip to see my ailing auntie. Came home with a cold that knocked me down for a week, while dealing with some issues around the homefront, then Thanksgiving. I’m trying to catch up this week, but I’m not being very successful. I need to just hang on and go with the flow.

Seriously, there is nothing that I can complain about, but there is this feeling that there’s a lack of time. Could it be my age? or is it all the technology sucking my time? For example, before writing this, I spent an hour dealing with a ton of spam that was generated through my contact form. Yes, along with being an artist and instructor, I am also chief web designer/manager, promoter, and accountant.

The reality is we can’t control all the things that get thrown at us. Planning is good, but you also have to be willing to adapt to a change in plans. I generally feel that I’m adaptable, but sometimes it becomes too much. At times like these, I find it best to put the focus on the entire picture. There have been some great moments for me this month. So, as the year comes to a close, I’m just going to put my focus on the good things and feel grateful.


“Fall down seven, stand up eight. Don’t fold beneath the weight. Don’t let it define you”
~ Aaron Burdett

Theres’s still time to see “Melange of Experience”
Arts Council of Moore County – Campbell House Galleries
Through December 19, 2023

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