Time to remember

This past week I’ve had a flood of memories. I find it interesting how memories stay in our heads even if we don’t realize it. You think you forgot about something and suddenly you’re reminded. It all comes rushing back like you were there again, exactly at that moment.

I’ve been thinking about how memories influence my art practice, or at least how I think about my art practice. I believe most of us get caught up in our own heads. We rush around trying to deal with the day’s events and focus mostly on what’s right in front of us.

Each significant life-event is a specific moment in time. We spend days, weeks, months or even years, prepping for that very moment that we’ve been waiting for. And then there we are, taking it all in … and in a flash its gone … except for the memories.

This is how life rolls. But, I’m concerned that the accomplishments we’ve made get buried and forgotten all too quickly. So many times I can remember when I rushed and rushed to meet a creative deadline. For me, there were articles written, TV shows that I appeared in, artwork created, exhibits to participate in, and for sure don’t forget all those little gifts I made to brighten someone’s special day. If you’re like me, you’re proud of each of those events. (And, you should be!) But its done and you forget. You have to … there’s no time to think about it anymore because we’re rushing to take care of what needs attending to NOW!

When I first started quilting, I created a scrap book of each quilt I made. If I gifted it to someone, I noted the reason along with a photo. Time started running short and I eventually stopped filling the pages. Instead, I have a couple keepsake boxs of memorabilia. If its something I feel accomplished about, I toss a trinket (e.g., postcard or copy of the article) into the box. This is great…but it means nothing unless I look inside every now and then. The memory, along with the validation it generated, fades.

This week I was reminded of Lesley Riley’sQuotes Illustrated“* book she published in 2013/2014. I made the courageous lion specifically for that book. I remember the excitement of being involved. I remember stitching the design. Looking back at it I realized I’ve come a long way. My style is different and my focus has changed. But, I forgot about the book. What an accomplishment that was at the time.

Life flashes by way too quickly. Its good to reflect. Dust off the memories. Be proud of how far you’ve come. Do you take time to remember?


*Note: Copies of “Quotes Illustrated” by Lesley Riley can be located on Amazon.com . There are 2 editions with different covers and different number of illustrations/quotes. Publication dates are 2013 and 2014. It’s a lovely and timeless book. Great for gift-giving!

Faux-Float Frames

I received good news in my email today…I was notified that an article I wrote for Quilting Arts Magazine will be in their Summer edition and on newsstands June 14th, 2022.

Over the last few years, I’ve had a number of people asked me how I frame my smaller quilts. I explain it in this article called “Faux-Float Frames for Art Quilts” and now you can read all about my process.

If you don’t have a subscription or local newsstand that carries Quilting Arts Magazine, you can order it here (available mid-June) https://www.quiltingdaily.com/product-category/magazines-ebooks/quilting-arts/

If you read the article, please let me know what you think.



Always continue to try

I’m one who likes to keep quiet until something is definite. So many things can go wrong. (Yes, I’m also a recovering pessimist.) I believe if I share something too early and it doesn’t happen, I’d have to publicly explain why it didn’t. My reasoning is even more pronounced after these covid years. I watched so many things get cancelled; weddings, exhibits, concerts, vacations, home remodeling projects, etc. So until I know for sure, I plan to stay neutral about possibilities in my future. And that’s what I did…

Early in December 2021, I had an idea for an article for Quilting Arts magazine. This wasn’t the first time I submitted to a magazine;  sometimes the ideas get accepted and sometimes not. You have to pull together the courage to say, “no matter what the answer, it will be OK.” And yes, over the years, I’ve dealt with my share of rejections and acceptances. (Does anyone really enjoy announcing the things that didn’t work out?) You move forward by mustering the courage to try, and possibly fail, then hit send and wait.

My pitch wasn’t accepted in the way I anticipated. Instead of my idea, I was asked to do a “Show Us Your Studio” feature for Spring edition 2022. Definitely not what I expected, but, how cool was that? I had a couple weeks to pull my room together, get the photos taken, answer Vivika’s questions, and submit before Christmas. And…I made the deadline!!

As I write this, I think about my Godmother and the conversations we had before she died. She told me that one day she expected to be reading about me in quilting magazines. I couldn’t see it back then, but she did. So this one is for you, Zen. Another reminder, that we should always continue to try. 

If you don’t subscribe to Quilting Arts Magazine, you can purchase a copy here: https://www.quiltingdaily.com/product-category/magazines-ebooks/quilting-arts/

Positive ways

Life is a journey. You never know exactly how things will turn out. As much as you plan, there is dharma, the eternal and inherent nature of reality. What we plan is not 100% in our control. Through various turns or “twists of faith” we arrive in the present moment carrying with us what we lived.

I think we all can appreciate this after the past year. How many things did you plan for last year? How many plans were cancelled? Now that the scariest part of the pandemic seems to be over, we can review where we are.

I know I dealt with a number of disappointments this past year and now I’m pondering what’s next. What I learned over the years is not to give up. I keep putting things out there, hoping to see a nugget of return. Its obvious, I want my art to be seen. Not everyone does. Some people create for their own personal joy. Other’s make to gift. Its all good.

The more I make, the more I discover what brings me joy to create. What amazes me, is when when my heart is in my work, more people connect to it. Its a circle that I can’t force happen. So I just keep creating and putting it out there.

A couple months back I submitted 2 of my bird artworks to Martha Sielman (Director of SAQA) who’s working on a personal project. She wanted to create a book about fiber artists who are inspired by birds. Well, its kind of obvious that birds are one of my things and I do make fiber art (art quilts). So, I sent off a couple of photos.

Yesterday, I received an email from Martha, announcing that 2 of my birds were accepted for her book. It was such a long time ago that I submitted these pieces, I almost forgot about the possibility. I would be OK if my art doesn’t get accepted, but I’m also very excited when it is. This recognition gives me another affirmation to keep trying.  I encourage you to keep trying, too. Ask yourself “why do I create?” and “what do I want to create?” Discover who you are. Then go for it. Take classes. Mingle amongst your art supplies and make things. Take chances. If you want your work to be seen, share it whenever you can. Then let the universe answer in positive ways.


Definitely worth the effort

Have you noticed that snail mail isn’t very interesting anymore. I have a long driveway and some days after walking to the mailbox I’m so disappointed to find only a single postcard suggesting I replace my windows. Was it really worth the effort? I truly have better things to do, right? The winning days are when the mail carrier has left your favorite magazine.

This week I found the Oct/Nov 2019 issue of Quilting Arts magazine in my mailbox. That’s normally a good day by itself. However, this was an extra special win. Flipping through the magazine…there on page 46 is my name. Then flipping some more, on page 49, is a picture of me standing next to Susan Brubaker Knapp. That’s a big enough score to warrant a happy dance over.

Whee!! I’m so excited and honored to be part of the Quilting Arts legacy. This is my 3rd published article with them. I’m also very happy that, at least one day this week, my trip to the mailbox was definitely worth the effort.


Creative Journey

I’ve been thinking about you lately. I’m curious what sorts of things you’re interested in. I’ve been researching ways to give you more information about what I do. I believe if you want to be creative you can be. I have so many ideas to share with you but I’m only one me and there are so many people like you. I can’t nearly share myself the way I’d like to.

One way I’ve shared my ideas with you this year is through the 2 articles I wrote for Quilting Arts Magazine. The first one was published in Dec2017/Jan2018 edition and the second is currently on the newsstand Feb/Mar2018. Did you miss it? If you did, I have copies available in my Etsy Store and I’ll sign them, if you want (continue reading to receive a special offer).

Another way that I want to share with you is through classes and workshops. I have a number of things I’m working on that will make it easier for you to find out about when and where you can take a class or workshop from me. I’ll have more to tell you soon.

People also ask me frequently where they can see my art. I am preparing for a couple exhibits this year, so there may be an opportunity for you to see my work in person. I’ll be sharing details soon, because I’d love for you to see it.

With so many things to share and so different ways to keep in touch, I wanted to give you a list of how you can hear from me:

  • Sign-up for my email NewZ-letter
    (In the NewZ-letter, I will regularly share details of all events and opportunities)
  • Follow me on Facebook
    (Here’s where can get the most up-to-date comprehensive info on my classes/workshops, exhibits and other events/opportunities.)
  • Find me on Etsy
    (Here you’ll find items I want share with you. Check in often, because I’ll will add regularly add new things from new or gently used art supplies to artwork created by me.)
  • Subscribe to my blog
    (Did you know I write a new blog post every week? By subscribing you’ll receive them in your inbox. Through posts like this I share news, tips and insight to the challenges/joys of living a creative life).

With all these options, I hope you find one that works well you. I like knowing you’re there and following my creative journey. I hope I provide you with inspiration to live your own creative life. As a thank you for sticking with me, please accept a token of my appreciation:

  • Shop my Etsy store between now and March 15, 2018 and receive a 20% discount on all purchases — To receive the discount, enter coupon code  QUILTART20  during checkout.

Thanks for being there and enjoy your creative journey!


Here with me

How’s your January going? Between weather events and facing some difficult challenges, I’m happy to say goodbye to January.  Goodbye and good riddance.  I’m ready to start over and begin some new adventures.

I’m optimistic that February is going to be good, because that’s when the Feb/Mar 2018 edition of Quilting Arts Magazine hits the newsstand. Since I subscribe, I’ve already received my copy and perched on page 82 is another article written by me! I’m so very excited!

I’ve known about this for a little while. Over the summer, I wrote this article and the one in last month’s edition. I use to work for a publishing company and they always advised us not to talk about an upcoming publication. You just never know …. until you’re in print, anything could happen to stop publication.

I submitted both proposals early last year and waited several months before I heard anything from the editor. I was so overwhelmed and honored when editorial director, Vivika Hansen DeNegre, sent me 2 congratulatory notifications on the same day. Both articles were accepted! I completed both by the end of September. I also prepared samples to show my process and sent them off to be photograph. Yes, I was busy those few months, but I couldn’t let you know. Now it seems like so long ago and seeing them in print is surreal.

I’m excited that I can finally tell you about it and hope you get a chance to read the articles. I still have copies of the Dec/Jan edition in my Etsy store and I will be adding copies of the Feb/March edition very soon (I’ll even autograph them if you like). These publications, along with some other changes I’ve made in my life, mark the start of a new direction for me.  I’m looking forward to this  journey and I’m glad to know you’re here with me.


I’ve been published!

Quilting Arts Magazine
Cover Artist
Click Here to Get a Signed Copy!